Author Tayden Bundy Explores the Origins of Ghost Stories from Nebraska
On October 26, 2018, I released by book Beyond Lincoln: A History of Nebraska Hauntings at Panic in Lincoln, Nebraska. I spent over a year collecting documents, reading newspaper articles, conducting interviews, and writing the book. I decided to follow the self-publishing route, which involved finding someone to create a cover, edit the work, find a printer, and also a great deal of self-promotion and marketing.
The release was set up just before Halloween, which I felt was appropriate for the content of my first book.
Below I have provided a brief overview of what the book is about and a biography.
Where do ghost stories originate? And how do they transform, expand, and evolve over time?
Beyond Lincoln: A History of Nebraska Hauntings attempts to uncover the historical origins of ghost stories retold in Lincoln and throughout the state of Nebraska--those stories of hauntings passed down through generations of Nebraskans sitting around campfires, rocking on front porches, or whispering at sleepovers late into the night.
Drawing on historical records and geographical documentation, native Nebraskan Tayden Bundy has discovered the facts that connect to several persistent stories of hauntings. He examines the multiple layers and variety of forms these ghost stories have taken on over time. Like apparitions, these legends and tales change shape, lose detail, and become larger than life. By contextualizing these stories, Bundy provides a much richer storytelling experience.
Prepare to be convinced that some Nebraska hauntings are real.
Tayden Bundy was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska. He graduated from the University of Nebraska where he received a Bachelor of Arts in English and history. Over the summer of 2017, he was an intern for Prairie Schooner. He won first prize for his short story published in Illuminations. His other work can be found in Laurus Magazine, Distortions, and The Airgonaut. Beyond Lincoln: A History of Nebraska Hauntings is his first book.
Beyond Lincoln: A History of Nebraska Hauntings can now be purchased online at:
Also, check out my store to help me promote my book at:
I wanted to thank everyone who attended the book release event and who has purchased a book online. My hope is that the origins of these ghost stories will provide a background that will allow the stories to continue to be told for generations.
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