P.R.I.N.T extended an invite to experience paranormal investigating firsthand
On July 7, 2018 the Paranormal Research and Investigation Nebraska Team (P.R.I.N.T.) invited us to attend a paranormal investigation at Antelope Park in Lincoln, Nebraska. We met at the park around 9:00 p.m., about 30 minutes before sundown. When we arrived, the park was still full of people and we spent the first hour or so trying to find the quietest places to investigate before moving to other areas that had previously been occupied by other visitors. The first area that we went to was behind the caretaker’s house in the Veterans Memorial Garden.
P.R.I.N.T uses multiple pieces of equipment for their paranormal investigations, but they particularly like using a spirit box and Ovilus III to communicate with spirits. Spirit boxes use radio frequency set to sweep through stations at a high rate of speed in order to create white noise, which provides the means for entities to speak. The Ovilus III delivers spoken messages on a screen by using sensors. The word is spoken out loud from the device and also appears on the screen. The device has over 2,000 words that can be detected. We received multiple messages from both devices throughout the night, but we did find that certain words were repeated in particular areas.
Equipment List:
Spirit Box
EMF Meter
Electronic Temperature Gauge
Ovilus III
Recording Devices
Throughout the night we asked questions in order to get a response and we received quite a few relevant answers to particular questions with the sprit box and with the Ovilus III. Some of the most significant responses came after asking about certain tragic events that occurred within the park including the murder of a young woman and assaults that may have happened in the park. In the area near the stage, the word “leave” was repeated several times and in the area of the Veteran’s Memorial Garden we kept getting the word “safe” on the spirit box and on the Ovilus III. When we were near the bell in the center of the park we were able to pick up the name Gary on the spirit box and the word assault on the Ovilus III. After asking Gary how many assaults had occurred in the park, we received the response of “8.” Then as a follow up, someone asked if the assaults occurred in the park and we received a clear response of, “They all happened here.”
At one point in the night, one of the members of the team was checking temperature fluctuations near the center of the Veteran’s Memorial Garden. In the area near the center of the garden, she received a negative temperature reading that decreased to about -7 degrees. The average temperature recorded throughout the night was around 78 degrees. The fact that the temperature was so incredibly low when she pointed the gauge in a certain direction was interesting. She tested the meter to be sure that the gauge was working correctly by passing her hand in front of the sensor and found that the temperature would immediately jump back up to the surface temperature of her skin and when she moved her hand away it would jump back down to an incredibly low number. This only occurred in this one area, which also was the only place where a light was off overhead.
Two members of the team also experienced feeling touched. One member felt someone touch the back of her neck. Later, another member had her wrist touched and then felt someone wrap his or her fingers around her hand. A feeling of heaviness was felt near the tree line behind the caretaker’s house and frequent fluctuations in temperature were felt as we made our way around the park.
Unfortunately we didn’t get to see the apparition that is said to run across the fields behind the caretaker’s house before disappearing, but we had so much fun throughout the night that walking away without such an experience didn’t matter. We were allowed to learn a great deal about how paranormal investigations are conducted and the enjoyment of just being in the moment as we attempted to contact the ones who have passed on.
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